Saturday, September 5, 2009

Bless The Broken Road By Rascal Flatts :)

"Bless The Broken Road"

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true


Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.

:) love it so muccch

Saturday, June 20, 2009

they thoughts on love and the proper age to get married :
*eighty-four,because at that age you dont have to work anymore, and you can spend all your time loving eachother in your bedroom(Judy,8)
*once im done with kindergarten i'll ask my mom to find me a wife (tom,5)

they thoughts when its okay to kiss someone :
*you should never kiss a girl unless you have enough money to buy her a big ring(jim,10)
*never kiss it in front of other people,its big embarassing things if anybody sees you, but if nobody sees you, i might be willing to try it with a handsome boy,but just for a few of hours(kally,7)

what is falling in love like?
*if falling in love is like anything like learn to spell,i dont wanna do it, it takes to long (Leo, 7)

they thoughts love and good looks
*it isnt just always how you look, look at me im a very handsome boy but i havent got anybody to merry me yet(alonzo,8)

why lovers are holding hand?
*they just wanna make sure their rings dont fall, because they paid a lots for it (dave,8)

what do you guys really think of love?
*love will find you even you want to hide from it, i tried to hide since i was 5 but the girls keep finding me (bobby, 7)
*im not rushing it, im finding 4th grade hard enough(regina,10)

how to make someone fall in love with you?
*just tell them you own a bunch of candy store (del,6)
*one way is to take girl to eat, make sure its something she like to eat, FrenchFries usually work for me (bart,9)

how can you tell if 2 adults eating dinner at the restaurant are falling in love?
*just see, if the man picks up the bills it means he;s in love(john,6)
*lovers will staring each other and the food will get colds(brad,8)

what are the most people thinking when they say "i love you"
*the person is thinking"yeaaaa i really do love him but i hope he showers at least once a day"(michelle, 9)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

bosen gak ada kerjaan+adek gue berisik

hmmm gue bosennnn banget soalnya gak ada kerjaan. Chatting? -_-bosen paraaaaah mana nggakada topik pembicaraaan yang enak,jalan?hmm nggak deh baru kemaren,capek gue, nonton tv?acara yang gue tunggu2 itu ada nya ntar malem, tidur? Nggak bisa dan nggak ngantuk hmmm mending nge blog, laptop nya di lemari, lemari di kunci. Komputer nya di pake download film nya bokap pasti bakal lemot kompuetrnya, jadi gue nulis blog di bb aja deh,yapp tadi nya gue males karna tangan gue pegel tapi karna nggaak ada kerjaan lain akhirnya gue nge blog haha ohiya kemaren kan ultah nya bgus di fx jadinya gue nonton 17again yang di peran-in sama zachary david efron haha film nya yaaa asikk disitu si zac (y)(y)(y) bangeeet wkwk.terus apa lagi yaaaa?mmmm ohiya, gue males banget sama adek gue dia tuh lagi sakit gitu gakmau makan dllll terus kan gue godain aja maksud gue kan bercanda dari pada gue setress saking bosennya ehh dia marah terus kaan gue bercandain lagi eh nangis-_-" yaudah gue pergi ajaaa, hhhhh gue sendirian nih nyokapbokap tidur adek gue nonton acara nggak jelas terus kaka gue pergi ke bogor, gue?gue duduk di sofa depan sambil nge-blog, gue benerbenerbenerbener berharap nyokap atau bokap ngajak gue pergiii dari rumah gue yang ssssshit ini-_- oke tibaaaa2 nyokap gue ngajak pergi beli obat adek gue terusssss gue ke tempat crystalbox itu tempat cuci mobil gitu soalnya mobil gue kotor gitu, abis dari situi ke circleK kaan dan gue beli eskrim wkwkwkwk terus gue pulang deeeh, gue bosen banget nih, udahan yaw see you on the next post!!!thanks for reading all :p

Friday, June 12, 2009

selesai final test!!!

yeeeeey akhirnya gue selesai juga finaltest nya yaaaa, hari ini udah terakhir finaltest nya pelajarannya tadi ips&plkj, ips nya sih gak terlalu susah, tapi plkj susah gitu hahaha, gue emang payah kalo plkj nih  gaktau kenapa haha-_- semoga aja ya nilai gue bagus2 terus gue naik kelas aminnn, gue sekarang bosen nih cuman blog,msn,dengerin lagu aja -__-'' hahaaaa eh udah dulu yaa bye:p

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


minggu ini kan gue lagi ujian kaaan, besok gue ulangan math sama pkn!!! yaaaaa nilai mid pkn gue sangat buruk rupaaa 55-_- makanya untuk nutup 55 gue harus dpt nilai 80 keatas, fucking nih malesin gue belom belajar 22 nya lagi huhhhhh-_- semoga aja nih math nya gampangan, ehhh doain gue yaaaa hahaha

Thursday, June 4, 2009

untuk 7e :')

yaaaah bentar lagi udah pisah sama 7e!!!, hahaha. gak kerasa ya besok udah hari terakhir gue bisa belajar sama2 di 7e, haha, walaupun kadang2 nyebelin sampe gue pengen cepet2 keluar dari 7e, tapi di pikir2 gue bakal kangenn sama kelas yang ngeselin ini-_- haha enggak deng 7e seru banget wkwk. yaaaaaaaaa for my classmate&chairmate ifa, diandra 0.0 terussssss temen2 gue yang lain juga rifkha niki amel dll. gue bakal kangen sama 7e, gue gak bakal lupa sama 7e yang ngangenin dang ngeselin,yang anak2 nya semuanya baikk2(?) sama gue, hahaaaaaaaa-_- dari pertama kali gue kira 7e tuh bakal ngeselin dan gak enak teryata bakal jadi kebalikannya. terus gue minta maaaf ya kalo gue ngeselin atau banyak salah sama semuanya gue juga doain supaya semuanya naik kelas yaaaaaaa, dan makasih semuanya udah mau jadi temen yang baik:''')

Friendship isn't a big thing,but it's a million little things.